Friday, January 18, 2008

January Progress

Well... there's nuthin right now.
Work and stuff has been keeping me and Haley crazy busy and I'm afraid our Rummer Fun has suffered a bit. We haven't even had time to take down both Christmas trees yet! ACK!

Instead we've been doing things like check out the Nelscott Reef Tow-In Surf Contest. I found that sitting on a cliff watching guys tow into 30-40 foot bombs is WAY more fun than chipping away at floor tiles. Here's a picture.
(Nelscott Reef is 1/2 mile off shore at Lincoln City, yes in Oregon! It's about 2 hours from our house. And no... I can't surf waves that big! These guys are fearless and besides, I got a family!!
sheesh... )

BUT we have talked with floor install guys and our favorite contractor/cabinet maker is ready to start work on the bathroom & laundry room cabinets. Haley's working on their design and I'm sure she'll be posting those initial plans soon. I'm going to have to rent an electric chisel to remove the floor tiles... those suckers are STUCK!

On a better note, we have a few lamps that we just got new shades on. I spruced up the wood on them using Restore-A-Finish, a little stain, some brass polish and #0000 steel wool. They turned out pretty good, I think. Here's a before/after pic. You can see one of them with the shade installed in the Christmas Tree pic. We just got another one back from the lamp shade store a few days ago. It's COOL! I'll post a pic soon.

Haley and I are also involved with the Mid-Century Modern League of Portland and in addition to lending a bunch of radios for the "G.I. Dream Exhibit" at the Oregon Historical Society, here's the Christmas Display the group set up in the lobby. The pole lamp and boomerang table are ours. Cool stuff, huh?

Well... that's all for now. Just wanted to add something and pour on a bunch of lame excuses as to why the bathroom/laundry room isn't finished yet.

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