Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quick Project Detour

So, when our electrician was in the crawlspace stringing Romex, he noticed that there wasn't any support under one of the posts. There was support within a few feet on either side, but yeah, there should have been a post in the crawlspace under the post. Haley and I decided that it would have been a very bad thing for us to finish the kitchen only to have it start sagging.

NOTE: You read correctly, dear reader... our Rummer is equipped with a crawlspace. Most Rummers (and Eichlers) are built on a slab foundation with radiant heat. I think because our lot is on the side of a hill, a regular crawlspace foundation was needed. In many ways it's a good thing (stringing wires is MUCH easier), but radiant heat would be nice.

Did I mention that the crawlspace is about 12" tall in spots with WAY too many furnace ducts, electrical wires (some hot, some not), many many feet of phone wires, damp dirt, vapor barrier, insulation and evidence of mouse habitation? Well it's not a happy place. I even put on some fashionable Tyvek coveralls. In fact, as I lowered myself into this cramped, dank DIY Hell, Haley and I agreed that a code word was a smart idea should I need immediate emergency attention. Because I was toting a 50 lb. block of concrete through the maze of stuff I knew there would be grunting, groaning and an occasional curse word uttered. "Barbie, call 911" seemed to be an effective unmistakable code phrase.

So I (as quickly as possible and without uttering a single word of the emergency code phrase) installed a 4x4 post in the right spot. Not my idea of a great way to spend a Saturday morning, but it had to happen. Thought you might like to see a pic or two. The kitchen work resumes in earnest this evening and tomorrow...
I gotta go take a shower.

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